
WT-QUAD LFO Firmware
Current Version: 2.3.1

Release Notes:

  • New Features:
    • Clock Input Synchronization: The wavetable period now automatically aligns with incoming clock pulses, enabling precise synchronization with external clock sources.
  • Improvements:
    • Main Menu Revamp: Optimized interface design for improved usability.
    • Wavetable Menu Update: Displays concise text-based information for faster and more intuitive navigation.
Older Versions
Update Instructions
  1. Copy the firmware file (.bin) to a USB stick
  2. Navigate to the firmware update option in the main menu
  3. Select the firmware file when prompted
  4. Wait for the module to restart
  5. After the new firmware is installed, the EPROM must be reset to factory defaults (note: all custom waveforms will be removed):
    • Press and hold the home button for at least 5 seconds
    • While holding the home button, press encoder 1
    • Release both buttons
    • Confirm the update when prompted